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Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Contemporary Family Garden Design, Ashby Cum Fenby, North East Lincolnshire, DN37

Proposed Front Garden
Existing Front Garden
Proposed Entrance Detail
Proposed Rear Terrace
Existing Rear Terrace
Proposed "Photography Area"
Existing "Photography Area"
Landscape MasterPlan

This large-sized family garden in Ashby Cum Fenby, Near Waltham, North East Lincolnshire was designed during the Summer of 2014.

Upon my initial visit, the garden was mainly laid to un-kept lawn at the front with an existing red block-paved drive. To the rear was a large York-stone paved terrace, a large lawn, a large rockery, shed and a raised terrace/planting bed at the very rear of the site. The site boundaries were a mixture of privet hedge and modern timber fencing.

The existing detached property was to be extended (same footprint as conservatory) and has been significantly re-modeled to form a large contemporary "white box" house with rendered external walls, black pvcU windows (including a future "bi-fold" door) and an imitation slate roof. The Design Brief was as follows: A busy young professional couple wanted a garden to suit their family of four children, extra parking was required at the front whilst the rear was to be improved  all-round and a designated space was to be reserved for the mother who was a portrait photographer and wanted a nice back-drop for her work. The garden also had to look  good all-year-round and suit the architecture of the property once renovated.

The main design-feature at the rear was to be a large terrace of granite paving. This area was to be screened-off from a utility area at the rear of the garage by building a curved, rendered concrete block wall which also incorporated a timber pergola. This area also included a sunken "fire-pit" (in the position of a former filled in pond). The existing raised bed at the rear of the garden was to be extended using railway sleeps (already on site) and paved with York-stone reclaimed from the former terrace. A rustic wall back-drop is to be constructed by using a mixture of boulders and York-stone (also recycled). This rear garden was to be further planted up with various herbaceous perennials, shrubs and grasses to help soften the sharp lines of the modern architecture and screen the garden from the neighbors.

The property is down a lane in the village of Ashby Cum Fenby which is in the Lincolnshire Wolds and is to have new vehicular access gates fitted. A new grey concrete block paved driveway is to lead to the properties new front entrance . A further granite paved footpath is to lead to the side of the house which is to become the primary route for visiting photography clients. The existing red block paving is now going to be uplifted by the clients and gravelled. The large area of grass in the front garden is now to be re-graded and a large gravelled parking area is to be formed for several cars.

This design has just recently been completed and has been handed over to the Clients and their builders. The building re-modeling works are still ongoing on site and It is envisioned that implementation of the garden design landscaping will be "phased" starting on-site sometime in 2014.

Location: Ashby Cum Fenby, North East Lincolnshire, UK.
Client: Private.
Garden Designer: David Beasley.

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